(This blog has very little to do with the Phillies, but it has a lot to do with Philadelphia... So please continue reading and find out why I'm so happy today!
I flew up from Atlanta yesterday morning to look at a house that my wife really liked. We both live in the ATL, where the fans are, shall we say, less rabid than the Philly faithful. Regardless, we're both Philadelphia natives (she from Radnor and I from Warminster) and are moving back home in June.
The last weekend she spent a few days with a realtor looking at houses in the city. And to make a long story short, she found one she likes. So, with her back at work, I figured I would take a few days off and come up to check out the place, and if I liked it as much as she did, then we'd make a bid... so we did.
Our big reason for moving home is the fact that our family is here. Family is important... but it is also because we missed Philadelphia. And after looking at the house yesterday and seeing the potential there, I spent today really taking in the city...
In addition to looking for a house, I too must look for work. I do have a backup plan set up and can do some web consulting work for a few months, but I really have a passion for US History. (see my website http://USHistorySite.com) I've been a teacher for 2 years, but I was previously a web designer and worked in a corporate environment.... and I want to find a job that allows me to teach and be around education while at the same time have the adult interaction and team environment you'd find in corporate America... the solution... work at the Constitution Center. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one... I'd love to work in Old City.
Through my network of friends I've found an in at the Constitution Center and I spoke with that 'in' today. After speaking with him I really took in the sights and sounds of Philadelphia... something I truly missed.

With a huge smile on my face, I look left at the Wachovia building at 5th and Market... That's where my dad worked for 37 years. He worked for one company... though it had many different names... Philadelphia National Bank (PNB), CoreStates, First Union and finally, Wachovia.

...then the girl who rings me up, is a nice looking jewish girl (my father's jewish, which makes me half jewish... we celebrated al the holidays, and I feel we're evolved enough to be able to call a girl jewish by the way she looks without having to hear about it... right?) So the jewish girl behind the counter, who had super long fingernails and a big nose...which i enjoy by the way, I have a thing for noses... though my wife doesn't have a big nose... anyway.. then the girl behind the counter calls me 'hon'... Yes! You don't get that in Atlanta...
That's Philadelphia!!! Ordering a Corned Beef Special from a jewish girl with long fingernails who just called you "Hon"... 100 yards away from the spot where Thomas Jefferson and Company wrote the most important document in our Nation's history.... That's Philadelphia!
I even drove home via Broad Street so that I could see Temple. That's Philadelphia!
I stopped in to see my grandmother in Jenkintown...and then it was home to Warminster! That's Philadelphia!
Then the Phillies win... but the radio callers are still complaining (as they should)... That's Philadelphia.
Then I listen to 610 and I hear Eskin busting Elmer Fudd's chops. That's Philadelphia!
I come home sit down at my old stomping grounds...my dad shows me his new tools down in the basement... That's Philadelphia!
But tomorrow, I must wake up early, catch a train to head to the airport and go back home to Atlanta... but I'll be home soon... because I love this city.
That's Philadelphia!
Also, today on the radio I heard a guy who wanted to start a countdown to Eagles training camp in Lehigh because the Phillies, Flyers and Sixers are all pathetic! That's a good idea..i'm going to add that to my Eagles Blog, The Eagles Chronicles....
That's Philadelphia.
If I wasn't such a country boy, I'd still be living in Philly.
Great piece!
I once lived in Georgia as well. I was in the Army and stationed at Ft. Benning right near Columbus. To say I did not enjoy my time in Columbus would be the understatement of the year! I used to go to Atlanta quite a bit just to be in a big city. But as you know Atlanta does not have the charm or atmosphere that Philly does.
Its funny I never appreciate Philly until I was away from it for a long period of time. It definitley has its share of problems, but I can't imagine living anywhere else. Besides it is nice to be surrounded by millions of suffering Phillies fans.
Welcome Back!
Thanks Scott...
I too did not appreciate the wonders of Philadelphia until I was in Atlanta... it truly is a neat city.
another note.. Columbus has revitalization going on... my wife was doing some work for the "insurance company" in the area, and I spent an overnight.. it is a neat little town... the civil war museum was cool.
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